Interested in doing business or establishing a company in Poland? We have finally finalised our latest addition to our webpage section Doing business abroad. The newest addition is Poland. From the page can be found information affecting business in Poland. We trust that the published information will ease to initiate business in Poland.
As we know, Poland is the seventh largest economy in the EU. Poland stands out as a European growth champion! With an uninterrupted pace of high growth averaging 4.2% per annum between 1992-2019 Poland is rapidly reaching the living standard of Western Europe.
Poland is attractive place to conduct business. Moreover, an energetic entrepreneurial landscape of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has benefitted from the continuous economic growth. Furthermore, Polish business benefit from a relatively large domestic market (population of 38 million). Further to this, strong competitive advantages in neighbouring European countries has been an important source of growth in the past years.
From the webpage can be found in a summarised form comprehensive information package regarding Polish legislation. General information regarding i.e. Polish legal system, labour law, dispute resolution, e-commerce, corporate taxation, personal data protection, repatriation of income and business opportunities in Poland.
Section labour law provides detailed information regarding requirements sets for the form of labour contracts. Furthermore, information regarding rules for terminating a labour relationship as well as compensation levels for unjustified termination of employment are to be found from the section.
E-commerce and distance selling regulations effective in Poland are reviewed in this section. Moreover, electronic signature and consumer protection rules are explained in this section.
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LKOS Law Office is a high-quality boutique business law office. We provide legal services to foreign and domestic companies. Furthermore, our NewLaw -concept secures that we serve all of our clients individually and by way of exceeding their preliminary expectations regarding business law services. Further to this, we are a reliable partner in a rapidly changing business environment.
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*This article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute a legal advice.