Higher overload payments expected – Finland

FINLAND – Overload payments are considered to be increased threefold during the year 2016. The Finnish Ministry of Justice has prepared a memorandum that has been sent for a circulation of statements from relevant parties. The proposed amendment is drafted by way of supporting amendments earlier accepted and coming into force as of 1.1.2016 to the Overload Payment Act (51/1982) (Laki ylikuormamaksusta). Should the overload payment raise be accepted then the amounts will be EUR 30 for every full hundred kg, EUR 90 for every full hundred kg of overweight after 2.000 kg and EUR 120 for every full hundred kg of overweight after 4.000 kg. Currently the amounts being respectively EUR 10, EUR 30 and EUR 40.

The amendment to the payment levels is argued to be based on fact that the last time these amounts were reviewed in the year 1989. Thereafter no index reviews to the amounts have been conducted. In addition, the amendment is in line with the current Government’s consolidation programme. The objective of the Government Programme is to strengthen general government finances by these measures by approximately EUR 4 billion in net term at the 2019 level. By reviewing the overload payment amounts the Government considers expanding its incomes under the Ministry of Justice budget. Further on the memorandum is argued by the Ministry of Justice that the raised overload payment amounts are to be reviewed to equal rise of transportation costs.

FACTS – 2014 overload payments were imposed 681 times equaling to the amount of EUR 373.260,00. The Ministry of Justice states that this amount should rise to EUR 1.100.000 after enactment of the proposed changes. Further the general overload payment amount after the implementation of the proposed increase is to be EUR 1.664,00.

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