Working Hours Act | Significant changes The new Finnish Working Hours Act (872/2019) (the “New Act”) to become effective as of 1.1.2020. The New Act is generally applicable and therefore...
Recognition to LKOS Law Office – Transport Law Firm of the Year in Finland – 2020 LKOS Law Office is pleased to announce that LKOS Law Office has been chosen...
Personal Data Protection in Finland The collection, storage and processing of personal data are regulated by the Personal Data Act (1050/2018, as amended). The Data Protection Act specifies and supplements...
Strategic legal partner in labour law matters Our team regularly advises companies on their strategies related to human resources and labour law matters. Such activities are as co-operation negotiations, drafting...
Doing business abroad. Expanding business to new markets can be difficult without trusted business law partner. Therefore, we have contacts throughout the world to support our clients to succeed in...
Doing business in Finland Interested in doing business in Finland. Find out general information regarding important subjects when considering doing business in Finland. Contact us and we will provide you...