From time to time LKOS Law Office Ltd (abbreviation ”LKOS”) may place information, commonly known as “cookies”, on your computer or to your web browser to allow us to identify you, provided that you have consented to the placing of cookies on your computer or device for example by opt-in function or by way of changing the browser settings. Cookies give LKOS information on how and when you have used the webpage and help LKOS or the webpage service provider to improve the webpage for a better service. Cookies are today commonly used on many web pages. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may set your web browser to do so, if such function is supported by your web browser.
You may also use the opt-out function, if any, of LKOS’s webpage analytics program to indicate that you do not want LKOS webpage to track your visits. You need to repeat this action when you use different computers and/or browsers to visit LKOS’s webpages.
Transfers of Personal Data
As a principle LKOS will not transfer any personal data outside LKOS. Due to the technical and practical requirements of the processing some of the personal data this data may be located at the servers of subcontractors or processed by subcontractors, which might have their own personal data requirements.
Contacting LKOS
You may at any time contact LKOS to check that the personal data related to you is accurate. LKOS will at your request rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data. For more information, please contact LKOS.
Customer Loyalty Surveys
LKOS is committed to protect your privacy and personal data. In order to improve our services and customer experience LKOS would like to get your answers attached with your name. The processing of your name and any other personal data is based on your consent. All answers and data collected in connection with this survey will be classified confidential and adequate security measures are employed when handling and transferring the data, if collected.
LKOS or it’s partners will process the collected data in accordance with all applicable laws. Due to the technical and practical requirements of the processing some of the personal data may be located at the servers of subcontractors or processed by subcontractors, which have agreed to the data processing standards. You may at any time contact LKOS to check that the personal data related to you is accurate. LKOS will at your request rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data.